
20 Feb 2011

Adrian Underhill on Successful Pronunciation

Adrian Underhill takes a practical approach to teaching pronunciation in this video from Macmillan ELT. You will learn new ways to help your students work on English sounds, words and connected speech. See more at www.macmillanenglish.com/methodology
You can download a free interactive version of the phonetic chart here

19 Feb 2011

Digital Storytelling Webinar by Shelley Terrell - TESOL Lecture

Shelley's Digital Storytelling Resources from http://technology4kids.pbworks.com/DigitalStorytelling

  1. Shelly's Digital Storytelling Presentation Resources
    1. Slideshow of the Presentation
    2. Download the Hand-Outs from the Presentation!
      1. *Elements of the Story- Hand-out by Kevin Hodgson
      2. *Character Development- Hand-out by Kevin Hodgson
      3. *Storyboarding- Hand-out by Kevin Hodgson
      4. *Storyboarding- Hand-out by Bernajean Porter
    3. Videos Featured in the Presentation
      1. *A Short Love Story in Stop Motion by Carlos Lascano
      2. *How A Short Love Story was Created
      3. *Chiarastella- Stop Motion Film by Raffaella Traniello's class
      4. *How Chiarastella was Created
      5. *How to create stopmotion claymation films using PowerPoint by Maryna Badenhorst.
    4. Featured Tools/ Websites from the Presentation!
      1. *Creaza
      2. *VoiceThread for Educators
      3. *Storybird
      4. *Vimeo
      5. *Claymation Resources from Maryna Badenhorst
      6. *Stop Motion Resources from Kevin Hodgson
  2. Useful Resources for Creating Digital Stories
    1. How to Websites:
      1. *Me and My Movie
      2. *Creating Digital Video Projects with Bare Bones Equipment
      3. *Lightning Bug- Write A Story from Beginning to End
      4. *Digital Directors Guild
      5. *Open Thinking Wiki by Alec Couros
      6. *How to Make a Talking Story Book
      7. *How to Make a Little Reader Starring the Student by Jason Renshaw
      8. *17 Stop Motion Video Examples and Resources by Shelly Terrell
      9. *Free Digital Storytelling How to E-book by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano
      10. *Digital Storytelling Tool Reviews by David Kapular
    2. Creative Commons Sources:
      1. *Primary Access- Create a story online & storyboard with creative common pictures
      2. *PhotoXpress
      3. *CCMixter- Creative Common Music & Songs
      4. *Freesound- Creative Common Sound Clips
      5. *Best Online Sources for Images by Larry Ferlazzo
      6. *Copyright Friendly Wiki
      7. *30+ Places to Find Creative Commons Media
  3. Several Digital Storytelling Tools by Ozge Karaoglu
International Teacher Development Institute iTDi Associate member

Chiew Pang on RSCON3 2011